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For Manufacturing & Materials Management

Manufacturing and localization are coordinated across several functions across different regions of the Globe. Lower level parts have to match to BOMs and manufacturing has to abide by myriad of regulations, some to ensure standards are maintained, and some to ensure safety is maintained. Companies have put in place sophisticated systems to track every aspect of the Manufacturing and Materials Management process.

zipota enables the capture of relevant data in electronic documents, integrate the data with the Organization's systems, and make these documents available instantly in any language. Global trade is in our DNA and we understand the nuances very well.

Lobo Technologies can help your Organization elevate their manufacturing to a level of efficiency never experienced before and reduce costs without compromising quality.

zipota integrates with other business systems

zipota can integrate information from multiple systems at run-time. This gives Manufacturing and Materials Management personnel the ability to extract data from external sources. In most organizations, accessing data from multiple systems is a highly manual process. Accessing data from external systems is almost impossible. zipota addresses these issues and automates the process to assimilate data into one unified document ... read more

zipota Portal

Companies can start with automatically archiving their documents coming out of the zipota system. When documents are intended for partners, Portal gives you the capability to collaborate. Portal also gives you the capability to link documents and find them using keywords.